luni, 23 februarie 2009

Vitas - miracolul unei voci de aur

2003 concert :Mama
the song is to commemorate his mother.

Mama(translated by Natalie)

Forgive me, my dear, for parting with you
For my occasional letters
In my thoughts I kiss your hand
And your tightly pressed lips

I often cry when I remember
How I used to hurt you at times
Forgive me, my dear!
Forgive me with love for the last time
How much I failed to understand...
And I still have to understand so much!
It seems that I loved too little
If I failed to experience love...

Forgive me, my dear, for parting with you
For my occasional letters
In my thoughts I kiss your hand
And your tightly pressed lips

Your love is love without measure
Your hopes and dreams...
Forgive me for my impertinent manners
Which upset you so much
Now I know more about life
I managed to understand a lot of things
I remember all your care
Longing to embrace you.

Forgive me, my dear, for parting with you
For my occasional letters
In my thoughts I kiss your hand
And your tightly pressed lips


Mi-e greu prin cuvinte sa exprim
Acele sentimente care ma cuprind...
Cum sa explic totul cand noapte de noapte
Gandurile nu-mi dau pace.
Imi amintesc de tine, mama,
Draga, iubita mama, iarta-ma
Ca incapatanat am fost mereu
Si mi-am ales drumul cel greu.

Iarta-mi, draga mama, desparţirea,
Scrisorile mele rare!
In gand iti sarut mana
Si buzele tale stranse.

Adesea plang, amintindu-mi,
Cum te suparam din cand in cand,
Iarta-ma, draga mea mama,
Pentru ultima data, iarta-ma, iubind!
Cat de multe nu intelegeam atunci,
Cat de multe mai am de inteles,
Probabil am iubit prea putin
Si nici acum dragostea n-o pricep.

Iarta-mi, draga mama, desparţirea,
Scrisorile mele rare!
In gand iti sarut mana
Si buzele tale stranse.

Dragostea ta-i fara masura,
Ale tale sperante si visuri...
Iarta-mi maniera mea dura
Din cauza careia te suparai.
Acum stiu mai multe despre viata,
Am reusit mai bine sa o inţeleg.
Imi amintesc de a ta grija
Si tare as vrea sa te-mbratisez!

Iarta-mi, draga mama, desparţirea,
Scrisorile mele rare!
In gand iti sarut mana
Si buzele tale stranse.

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